Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Your Teeth are Crooked - The Carnage Conservatory

The fantastic Emily Smith-Miller, editor of the Carnage Conservatory has put up a recent piece of mine, entitled "Your Teeth are Crooked, My Dear, and You Don't Want That." It's a bit over 1,300 words, and explores violent psychosis. It's not safe for viewing at work!

Emily Smith-Miller herself is a great poet, and you can check out her own (personal) website here. I really encourage you to do so!

–Fucking hell Johnny, spit it out.
He did. The tooth hit the wooden table with a sharp sound. White and triangular, like a fat icicle covered in spit. He gave a blank look and then defiantly reached into the stoneware salad bowl, fished out a molar with a nerve end still attached, tubular and sticky and red with a dark line inside it. Almost black, almost translucent. He stuck it in his mouth and started sucking again with a smirk.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is the most amusing spam I have received. I will leave it for comic relief.

  3. Aw Mike, thanks for promoting me!

    1. You are more than welcome--although people won't see it until I get famous! Famous for something embarrassing with a hairdryer, probably, and nothing to do with my writing.
