Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sancha Panza, OR, Dads Are Just Jerks Who Divorce Your Mom

Hello all--this piece is special to me for a number of reasons. It's my oldest piece to get published to date, it's the first piece I was paid for (token payments count, jerkface), it's my first international publication, and also, it's funny. I never thought those three things would come together and I'd be able to list them as attributes for the same thing! But there it is.

So what should you take away from this? 
Mike Joyce is varry funnie. 

Head on over to The Waterhouse Review, a mag based in Scotland and now also Connecticut, to check out my piece, "Sancha Panza, OR, Dads Are Just Jerks Who Divorce Your Mom"!

So what can I do? Knock her off? Seems a lot harder than you’d think it to be. I’d probably break a few of her legs no matter how gentle I am and she’d be stuck out in an unknown farm wilderness all ready to be eaten up by some large unforgiving male wolf spider with an affinity for NBA hats and dance music and lies. She’s just a common house spider, after all.

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